First of all, I'd like to say a big jumping, giggling, and clapping "Hiiiiii!" to my new friends from the 21 Day Organization Challenge. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd be getting my organizational act together this quickly. Normally, it's something that happens once I just can't take it anymore and/or I have a week-long vacation in which to purge, clean, shop, and organize. I joined this challenge after seeing it on my sweet friend Amy's blog, and I'm so very glad I did. Seeing your inspiring posts about how you organize your space keeps me motivated and inspired. Plus, it's nice to know I'm not alone in the clutter wars.
As you may already know, I'm a mother of 5 year-old twin girls, wife to a wonderful, incredibly fun man, and a full-time teacher.
Life at Chez Rawlings is almost always fun, sometimes hectic, usually LOUD, and at times...pretty messy!
It used to take an arsenal of cleaning supplies to keep this place clean and fresh (ish). At least, I thought it did.
Then I was introduced to SHAKLEE GET CLEAN!
If you've read my posts, you've seen me refer to it here and here. I've been using the BIG DADDY--Basic H2 Concentrate--for just about a year. This is what my first and only bottle currently looks like:
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Hello, my name is Basic H2. I like long walks on the beach and cleaning spilled chalkboard paint off your carpet. |
That's right. That's all I've used, and I've used it to clean a TON. There would be more in the bottle, but I had a little spill awhile back. Trust me--a "little" spill of this stuff is heartbreaking. It's a concentrated bottle of pure power!
You know those hard water mineral deposits that just don't want to come off your brushed-steel fixtures?
A little spritz of H2 will eat them for breakfast, or in this case, dinner.
Have a rotating microwave dish that makes me you hang my your head in shame?
Please hold all "ewwwww"s and "ick"s until the end of the post.
Sorry. That was me.
All I did was pop this guy in the sink, give it a few sprays of H2 All-Purpose mixture, scrub it well, and...
Squeaky clean!
So we'll just go ahead and put that back in the...
Oh, for the love of... The holidays were rough on all of us. Including the microwave.
No matter-- while you're all vowing to never eat anything I've prepared in my microwave (and/or sneaking guilty looks toward your own microwave), I'll go ahead and give this a good spritzing.
...and a little rubdown here and there.
Ahhh. MUCH better and it took NO time at all!
My floors also get dull, dingy, and dirty very quickly in this recent wet (read: muddy) weather.
Sorry. Me again.
Now, I've tried many different commercial floor cleaners on our laminate floors. Some were okay. Some were just downright awful. Most would leave a film that would show footprints again right away.
Now, I just fill my sink with some warmish/hottish water.
Then I add a WEE drop of H2 and when it's nice and sudsy (because it will be), I put my mop head in and swirl it around in the solution...
I love my mop. I have a few of these mop heads and wash them in the washing machine on sanitary and they come out fresh and ready to go!
Now, if you're thinking, "Eegads! Don't use your sink! Use a bucket! That's gross!" Just trust me. It'll be okay. Say it with me: "It'll be okayyyyy."
Mop. Mop. Swish. Swish. Side-to-side.
And the wonderful thing is--they STAY clean! No film or residue.
I usually work my way around my house back towards my kitchen and do that floor last, intermittently rinsing the mop.
Look at all of that grime that is no longer on my floors...
...but is now in. my. sink. Remember when I told you it would be okay? It will!
Meet my other good friend, Basic G. Basic G is Shaklee's highly-concentrated germicide. Again, you just mix a wee bit with water and put it in a spray bottle.
I made him a nice label--Not-So-Basic G. I didn't want him to have a complex about being "basic."
I just spray some of this greatness all over my sink surface, let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse it off and wipe the area dry. Germs? Gone. So now my sink is sparkly clean to match my floors!
There are many things to love about these wonderful products: they're multitasking, cost-effective, and powerful. But what I love most is the peace of mind I get from the fact that I'm using something safe and non-toxic to clean my home.
Thanks for playing along, and a huge thank you to Toni for the outstanding customer service and hosting this incredible challenge!
Thank you for indulging me, and I'll see you all on Day 8!
Yay! I can't wait to get my first bottle of Shaklee!!
I've been making my own cleaners for years but all this talk about Shaklee is making me more and more curious. Everything looks great!
I love it! You really have me thinking....I might just be ready to start cleaning my house....hmmmmm
i love your blog. glad i found you through the challenge!
love your pictures! makes me almost want to clean. lol
YAY!! You did super. Its up on my blog. I hope you are enjoying your clean home. See you tomorrow at the challenge.
I have used the basic H for a few years, but haven't heard of basic G! Is it a completely separate product? I didn't see it on the website ( I just saw a spray bottle for it. I'm confused. Also, I thought Basic H was a disinfectant. Is that correct? help!
Hi Marisa. Basic G is available on the site, too. It *is* a germicide, and therefore should be rinsed off of any surface (although I believe it says you don't have to do so on floors). I keep mine in a another H2 spray bottle for ease of use (with a BOLD LABEL, of course), and I keep the actual bottle of Basic G out of reach in the cabinets above my washer/dryer.
Thanks for the kind words, everyone! I'm enjoying reading your blogs, too. :)
Oh man! I'm off to clean my microwave. :)
you still need to get a shaklee party going!
Have you tried the oven cleaner? I think it is like a paste. I've had my eye on that stuff, but haven't bought any Shaklee products yet...
Enjoyed your post and pictures and comments. We love Shaklee too!!!
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