Sunday, June 24, 2007

Big Girl Beds are on the Horizon

We're the "last to go," so to speak. We're finally doing what our other friends have done already--we're making the move to big girl beds. The beds we've ordered won't be here for about 4 weeks, and I'm already a tad nervous. We really like to "play" in our cribs before going to sleep, and I'm not sure how we're going to do with beds. Still, we're simply getting too big, so it must be done. We saved a bit on the beds, so Mommy splurged and went for some cute Pottery Barn bedding:I'd like to do the same buttery yellow on the top. We have the chair rail thing going on already--we just need the white on the bottom. There's wallpaper there right now, and Charlotte has found a weak spot by her crib, and has begun to tear it! I think we're going to enlist Grammy to do some of the accent painting. Wish us luck!


Megan said...

Super cute bedding!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the big girl beds! It can be a difficult transition, but you'll get through it, just like everything else. At least they'll be sleeping in style!

Amy said...

Very cute bedding! Good luck with the bed thing. We are working on staying in his crib with Coop. I just can't seem to do the bed thing...yet! He's my baby!!!

My world said...

oh if anyone can do it you can sally! and really with such cute bedding they just might sleep like little angels!! *fingers crossed*