Monday, September 04, 2006

Paging the Scrap Doctor.....

I've been playing with some templates that I got from a great site and I need my partner-in-crime, Jen, to let me know if I should have used drop shadows. What do you think, Jen? I tried it with everything in drop shadows, but it seemed sort of fake. But does this look too flat?

This is actually a picture from the night of the girls' first birthday. Charlotte had just been crying, most likely over-tired from all of the fun, but she cheered right up when she saw the camera. I love that sweet face.


Jen @ By Jen ❤️ said...

Did you try a drop shadow or simple inner bevel less than 10pts? Sometimes that can give just a little thickness. I would just try it with the photo matte.

But I think it looks adorable.

Amy said...

Sally, can I schedule some tutoring on the blog cuteness...and on the photoshop???