On some other blogs, they've been listing 5 Weird Things about themselves. So I began to think.......
(1) I often rub my feet together to help myself fall asleep. If that's not going to work, I beg my husband to rub my hands. Works every time.
(2) I use movies the way others use background music. I love to play familiar movies in the background while I clean, do homework, organize, etc... I've seen MANY movies, MANY times!
(3) I sometimes make 'vroom-vroom'-ish noises when I move from place to place. This is left over from childhood. I still tend to do it as I run up the stairs. Oh...and I have to pretty much RUN up AND down the stairs.
(4) I drink an inordinate amount of diet soda. A LOT. No. Seriously....I drink A LOT. I'm more Diet Coke than woman now.
(5) I'm quite afraid of those big agricultural sprinklers that look like giant, long insects. I've had nightmares about them.
So, how weird are YOU? Fess up! I'm tagging
Amy, Megan, Carol,
Sabrina, and Angie.